Santosh Kumar Rao Charitable Trust (reg) was established on 15/12/2004 with the ideology of helping the poor and underprivileged families and their children with various social activities, in accordance with provisions of section 11 and 12 of the Income Tax Act, 1961. The trust has obtained tax exemption for the donations collected under 80G.

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One of our mutual acquaintances introduced us to Mr. Prabhakar and Mrs. Sunanda Rao for their charitable efforts, and it has been all empathy since then that I have observed in them. I had the pleasure to meet them personally during a couple of events. In the beginning, like many others, I thought that my contributions to charity may not be enough to solve all the world's problems, but as days progressed, I could see clear results by their team in any social activities they got into, one event and one child at a time. I have been contributing to their efforts for 2 years now and the smiles and happiness they put into the lives of those underprivileged children are truly heart melting. I happened to be in Bangalore during my recent trips and Mr. Prabhakar and Mrs. Sunanda Rao provided me with this wonderful opportunity to support them in their drive to provide free notebooks and other school supplies to the government schools nearby. The children were truly delighted to receive them and I felt blessed amongst them to be supporting their needs. The Trust did not stop at that and was always looking to find new ways to support the needy. Financial support to engineering and dental college students who struggled to complete their education for the shortage of tuition fees due to the pandemic hitting their families very hard, supporting handicapped professional sports personalities to achieve their dreams, finding healthy youngsters to donate blood, providing free breakfast and warm clothes during winter, or providing sanitary pads and the right education to the adolescent girls supporting them during this important time for laying the foundations of good health, were all the new initiatives raised in the recent years, that shows their continued interest in going after every possible option available out there to help the underprivileged. Their actions are truly commendable. I would recommend everyone in my network to support these noble causes, and take advantage of every opportunity available to go down to the grassroots level to see the challenges faced in their daily life, to feel truly appreciated that we are blessed by God, and continue to support them in every way possible. I look forward to working with their full team for many more years to come. Wishing everyone the best and hoping to put more smiles on everyone to make this a happy planet.

Ragavendra Rao
Their actions are truly commendable
I like to express my sincere appreciation for the inspiring work you are doing in providing scholarship to poor and meritorious students for their education, distributing school bags, books etc every year and  food to the adopted slums, old age home, blind hostel and the labourers and their children every Sunday for the last 13 years, conducting free summer camps to the underprivileged students every year, providing blankets during winter,  giving medical aid to seriously ill patients, providing ration to flood effected people in various places, ration and food packets to poor people during lockdown due COVID 19 etc.
In a world with so many issues, it is refreshing and heartwarming to see an organization that is committed to making a change and creating a better future for so many people.
Your work has not only made a positive impact on the lives of those unfortunate people who had no access to education and basic necessities, but also on the lives of those of us who know that we are living in a world where there is such a great need for equality and equal opportunity. 
Your organization gives us hope, a hope that we can work together to make the world a better place for those who find themselves falling through the cracks of society.
I am fortunate to have a child food friend like you whom I know for the last 60 years. Your hard work and dedication is commendable and I thank you for leading the way in improving the lives of those less fortunate than ourselves.
B R Rao
positive impact
We have always known that giving charity was one of the kindest and most honourable things a man can do, but working with Mr. Prabhakar Rao has made me realise just how life changing it can be for both the receiver and giver. Mr. Prabhakar Rao and his wife Mrs. Sunanda Rao have spent countless amount of time helping others and continue to do so with utmost effort each day. Every Sunday we distribute food to more than 400 poor people in the locality. Also collect useable old clothes, recycle and distributes to poor. The smiles on their faces and the gratitude in their eyes never ceases to inspire us. The trust not only provides necessities such as food, sarees and winter clothing but also provides scholarships. The organisation also conducts blood donation camps, summer camps and eye camps so that people living in poverty feel integrated into the society. Some members voluntarily teach underprivileged children in their free time. I truly believe that Santosh Kumar Rao Charitable Trust is working diligently to make the world a better place and I am grateful to Mr. Rao for making me a part of this miraculous journey. -
Sukumara T.
Well Wisher
At my small level I always wondered if I can help others in a real sense. I wanted to see that this help is really helping the needy in the first place. But I was not sure how and where I can do this.
Then the Almighty smiled upon me and made me meet the Prabhakar Sir of SKRCT. 
SKRCT, is place of possibility, empathy and affection.
Possibility - It has put poor kids in engineering college and helped brilliant handicapped players to play international matches.
Empathy - Everyweek, It feeds hundreds of poor folks, monthly distributes sanitary pads to hundreds of girls and women, gives notebooks and stationery to thousands of kids each academic year, thousands of Sarees in Diwali and thousands of Blankets every winter.
Affection - Since a decade it takes weekend classes to many students, benefited from these classes are students from 2nd standard till college, many shaped their academic path through the guidance and counselling in these classes. 
Summer camps are conducted annually where 100s of kids learn yoga, dance and many more and also about life from many distinguished guests.
Even the weekly food distribution where hundreds of poor people come and enjoy the tastiest meals provide an opportunity for those folks to make new friends and acquaintance. It is like a place of Mela, fair, Utsav or celebration. 
All these are possible by the sheer energy and passion of Sri Prabhakar Sir and his wife Sunanda ji. I have never seen a man so compassionate and energetic who continously thinks about how can I help the needy in more, new and better ways.
Many blood donation camps and giving vision  to many blind people through operation. The Service list is indeed very big and cannot be put in these few lines.
I seriously believe that I had done some good deed in my past life that I came across such a great man in this birth.
I am now experiencing the joy of helping those who cannot help back. I am seeing old things with new eyes and my life has become more enriched and meaningful.
Narayan Rao Bennuri
My warm and best regards to Sir

Santosh Kumar Rao Charitable Trust is doing tremendous services to the underprivileged people.

Trust provides books, Scholarships, Old usable clothes, food, Conducts summer camps to poor children in all these  way  it provides plenty of valuable services to poor people.

I'm the direct beneficiary of his valuable  services  because when my husband suffered from  a serious health issues Mr . Prabhakar Rao and his family strongly supported us to overcome from those most difficult situations.
Hence I always pray to God to keep him safe, healthy and  happily .

Thank you Prabhakar Rao Sir for everything. You are the reason for our smile.

Shivasubramanya & Vijayalakshmi

Shivasubramanya & Vijayalakshmi
Well Wishers

Santosh Kumar Rao Charitable Trust is an organization I have been closely associated with for the last 5 years. I have seen first hand the amount of time and energy Shri Prabhakar Rao and his wife put into serving the needy. Midday meals, clothes, books, summer camps for the underprivileged are just some of the things that they provide. Organizing blood donation camps, supplying notebooks to government schools and most recently handing out sanitary napkins to girls are some causes that were the need of the hour. I am very happy to associate with any drive that this organization wishes to support. The diligence and sincerity with which Mr Prabhakar Rao finds a gap in our society that needs to be filled is amazing. Bangalore is very lucky to have an organization like this in their city. We need to support this cause to the best of our ability.

Priya and Vijay Pullur

Priya and Vijay Pullur

It's a great honour to get a chance to write two lines about Mr. Prabhakar Rao and SKRC Trust. 
 Charity literally begins at Mr. Rao's home, and the long que of many under privileged women and children at Rao's Haveli on the seventh cross, second main of Akshayanagar West is the best testimony of this. 

 SKRCT and Mr. Rao works selflessly for the humanity. Absolutely uninfluenced by any external organisation, Mr. Prabhakar rao stands apart even among the other social workers. It would have been difficult to believe, that an ordinary man can do so much of services relentlessly unless Mr. Rao has not demonstrated what he has done. This makes him really extraordinary. 

He ensures, that his services are reached to the most deserved hands directly, and starts from the bottom of the social pyramid. I feel, this is something that even the government needs to learn on welfare management from this trust. 
 Somewhere in the run up to make our lives, many of our eyes are trained to look on the glitz around us and conveniently filter out the extreme poverty and hardship around us. Thanks to Mr. Prabhakar Rao, for showing me many slums in and around the plush, high tech, upper middle class dwelling bangalore urban area. This is where Mr. Rao focuses his mind and energy, without asking them to prove their citizenship or giving them too much philosophy. 

Few quick bullet narration on Mr. Rao would go as 
* Unbiased
* Selfless
* Unorthodoxy 
* Secular 
* Kind hearted 
* Humane 
* Systematic 
* Bookkeeping (After all an ex banker LOL) 
* Empathetic
* Pleasant and lovable 

Having said all this, it will be unfair to not mention the fact that, more than half of the secret of all the success of this man and the credit of his services is actually gets attributed to his better half Madam Sunanda. 
I have many a times got confused her with his shadow and vice versa. 

Mr. Prabhakar Rao is a person with whom I started the friendship with a dispute, continued with various arguments, always been in disagreements but always felt like being with. :) 

 May he be able to help another tens of thousands of poor and underprivileged humans and May he have all the blessings and support of the cosmic logic of righteousness to continue this good work perpetually with the help of all associates of SKRCT.

SANTOSH KUMAR RAO CHARITABLE TRUST is run by Mr and Mrs Prabhakar Rao. The relentless service rendered by the trust for the underprivileged is invaluable and has helped in improving the lives of such people and has brought smile on their faces. Education, health and hygiene are the key areas that the trust focus on among this class of people. Some of the services of the trust are - food for 300+ families every Sunday, books for 5000+ students every year, collecting usable clothes and distributing them, scholarships for merit students, blankets during every winter, crackers during deepavali festival, eye test, blood donation camps and summer camps, wheelchairs and medical/ financial help for the needy. Other services include providing relief material during natural calamities, food packets and provisions for families affected due to Lockdown to control corona. Mr Rao visits most of the government schools frequently for distributing biscuits, banana and curd to children and keep track of the academic progress of the children. Mr and Mrs Rao are true believers of "Vasudaiva Kutumbakam" (world is one family). In spite of all this work, they don’t like to take the credit and instead thank the people for providing an opportunity to serve them. I am privileged to be part of SKRCT activities for the past 10+ years.
Harish KS
I am proud to be associated with Sri Prabhakara Rao, Trustee of Santosh Kumar Rao Charitable Trust, Akshayanagara. The Trust has been doing a stupendous service to the needy community, to name a few, food distribution every Sunday, collection and distribution of old clothes for all ages, free summer camps for school kids and giving momentos, arranging blood donation camps, eye check up camps scholarship to deserving students for higher studies, distribution of stationery items to Govt schools, distribution of ration items and clothes to flood affected people outside Bangalore and other various social activities as well. I feel that each and every social activity of the Trust is worth emulating and supporting. Sri Rao is ably supported by his wife Smt. Sunanda. They are so much spirited and always exploring new avenues to help the needy. They believe " TO THE WORLD YOU MAY BE ONE PERSON, BUT TO ONE PERSON YOU MAY BE THE WORLD" and "A LITTLE SPARK OF KINDNESS CAN PUT A COLOSSAL BURST OF SUNSHINE INTO SOMEONE ONE DAY" May God bless them .
Anil Kumar
We have been associated with Santosh Kumar Rao charitable trust for the last 2 years. They are constantly engaged in organizing noble social welfare activities and we highly appreciate their dedication in organizing these activities efficiently and reaching all corners of needy community very effectively. We are thankful to the trust for giving us opportunity to serve the community and we wish them all the best for their future endeavours.
Bindu and Dr. Kaviraj Usupa
MBBS(MMS),MD(JIPMER), PhD(NIMHANS),Post-Doc (U of Toronto) Additional Professor Department of Neurophysiology NIMHANS, BANGALORE
Santhosh Kumar Rao Charitable Trust in Bangalore has been doing a great service to the cause of the poor and down trodden people from out of own resources and also from donations collected from philanthropic people and institutions for about two decades. I have know Sri Prabhakar Rao an Ex-Banker and also the main trustee of the trust for the last about 18 Years. He has created the trust in the memory of his son and running the social service tirelessly even at this age and the people in the vicinity adore him for his selfless service. I wish him further success and fame in all his endeavors for the cause of welfare of the poor in the society.
Prithviraj K N
Well-wisher, Ex CMD Erstwhile Oriental Bank of Commerce
Mr.Prabhakar Rao is a man who never gets tired of doing social service, never stops supporting underprivileged people and always keeps supporting families who really in need of assistance. His name itself says Prabhakar "Light Maker" and as his name says he always brings lights to life of families of poor people.I was wondering that from where he gets such an energy to serve people! Later I realized that the energy comes to him from the smile of poor people kids/children and it comes from the happiness of underprivileged families. Words will not be sufficient to name the areas where he is supporting the community and to name the few areas where he involved himself are Food distribution to labor class families, blood donation camps, medical camps, supports poor children in their education, supports to blind people, supports to old age home and flood relief so on and on and on... With love I call him "Rayare". I am really feeling happy, proud to be associated with you and thanks to your wife (Mrs. Sunanda) and your family for keep supporting you to support the community.
K. Pradeep Upadhya